I recently received an email with this question from a reader about finding information on Seattle neighborhoods:
After living in the Midwest for 40 years, it is time for a change. I have a close friend in Issaquah, and I’m selling all of my possessions – save my two loyal dogs – and fixin’ to load up Old Bessie sometime this summer to start over in Seattle. I imagine I’m hardly unique in this way, but I’m committed to moving on with my life and have chosen the Seattle area as my destination.
I’m looking for any neighborhood guides and relocation information that I can find. I’m looking more for general Seattle neighborhood information than what units are available for immediate move-in.
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can throw my way!
We don’t tend to get much into individual neighborhoods here, although in the past I have published some local-level stats occasionally. I’d say that a good place to start if you’re looking to get a feel for the neighborhoods around Seattle would be the local news sites in the Seattle Times News Partner Network (of which Seattle Bubble is also a member).
The Seattle area has more active neighborhood blogs than almost any other area in the country. Spend a little time reading them and you’ll easily get a feel for what each neighborhood is like.
One thing I recommend not wasting your time with is asking people on generic Seattle-area internet forums for advice about which neighborhood is the “best.” Unless of course you’re just looking for a list of basically all Seattle neighborhoods.
The important thing is in addition to spending some time researching before you get here, to not rush into buying a home as soon as you arrive. Once you’ve located a neighborhood that sounds good, find a rental and try it on for a while. Get to know the area before diving into home ownership.
What’s your advice for learning about Seattle neighborhoods?