It’s time for another installment of Real Actual Listing Photos. Once a month (or so) I round up some of the most bizarre listing photos from around the Seattle area and post them here, with brief excerpts from the real actual listing description, and probably a bit of snarky commentary.
If you want to enjoy strange listing photos without interruption throughout the month check out Looney Listing. If you’ve got a nomination for a listing photo that should appear here, drop me a line.
No particular theme this month. Just enjoy a collection of odd listing photos found by readers and yours truly.
Enough explanation. Let’s get to the photos! Click the photo to view the Real Actual Listing.

Check out those beams. Or don’t, because this photo is shown at the actual size the agent uploaded to the listing. Spotted by Beth T.

Not actually in the Seattle area, but seriously? That’s your only photo? Way to not even pretend that you’re trying. Spotted by Chris M.

…because you’re certainly not going to get any useful information about the home from these pictures. With modern digital cameras you really have to make an effort to take a photo this terrible.

Bold claim, given the apparent cleanup required to take care of the massive spill of mustard all over the front lawn.

Okay the photo itself is actually quite nice—well-composed, in focus, good lighting and appropriate saturation. But that color… ouch. Personally I don’t consider the puke-green to be “enhancing its original style.”

Too bad the photo doesn’t offer natural colors. Reminds me of this one on Looney Listing from a while back.
Let me know if you have an idea for a future “Real Actual Listing Photos” theme, and be sure to check out Looney Listing for listing photo amusement throughout the month.