It’s time once again for another installment of Real Actual Listing Photos. Once a month (or so) I round up some of the most bizarre listing photos from around the Seattle area and post them here, with brief excerpts from the real actual listing description, and probably a bit of snarky commentary.
If you want a more steady dosage of crazy listing photos, tune into Looney Listing, which is updated five times as a week with homes from all across the country. If you’ve got a nomination for a listing photo that should appear here, drop me a line.
No particular theme this month. Just enjoy a collection of odd listing photos found by readers and yours truly.
Enough explanation. Let’s get to the photos! Click the photo to view the Real Actual Listing.

No word in the listing on whether or not that sweet cardboard model is included. Found by Joan L.

They really don’t want anyone looking at this listing, apparently. Whatever you do, definitely don’t go drive by 19064 NW Hite Center Rd in Seabeck to try to see for yourself just how “unique!” this offering is. Found by David B.

Bonus: Looks huge if you’re a fish! Found by Beth T.

I think there might be an inverse correlation between the number of exclamation points in a listing description and the desirability of the home. Found by Rob M.
Let me know if you have an idea for a future “Real Actual Listing Photos” theme, and be sure to check out Looney Listing for listing photo amusement throughout the month.