NOTE: If you are subscribed to Seattle Bubble’s RSS feed and are seeing these open threads in the feed, please switch to our official feed at Thanks! Here is your open thread for the week of April 29th, 2013. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea…
Author: The Tim
Poll: Old or New: If you had to pick one, which would you prefer?
This poll was active 04.28.2013 through 05.04.2013
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2013-04-26
RT @seattletimes: Critics of micro-apartments (typically 150-250 sqft budget rentals) are calling for a moratorium: -> "FDIC sues executives of failed Lynnwood bank" via @EverettHerald ->
Seattle Labor Participation Outperforming National Rate
In the comments on yesterday’s jobs post, Blurtman leveled the following criticism: Shame on you, Tim, for publishing misleading data. You cannot say that unemployment has dropped nationwide without also commenting on the record high not in the labor force number. I trust you are not turning into a NAR cheerleader at this stage. Remember,…
Seattle Unemployment Drops Again as Job Gains Continue
New local job stats came out this week, so let’s have a look at the Seattle area’s employment situation. First up, year-over-year job growth, broken down into a few relevant sectors: Construction growth dipped again, dropping from a 5.9% year-over-year gain in February to 5.2% in March. With 6.4% year-over-year growth, the retail sector was…