Let’s take an updated look at how King County’s sales are shifting between the different regions around the county, since geographic shifts can and do affect the median price. In order to explore this concept, we break King County down into three regions, based on the NWMLS-defined “areas”: low end: South County (areas 100-130 &…
Author: The Tim
Non-Distressed Median Price Up 2.4% From 2011
In the comments on last week’s NWMLS stats post some readers asked what the median price would look like if you removed the distressed sales from the mix. Here’s the answer: As of June, the non-distressed median price for King County single family home sales sits at $430,000, up 2.4% from a year earlier. The…
Monday Open Thread (2012-07-09)
NOTE: If you are subscribed to Seattle Bubble’s RSS feed and are seeing these open threads in the feed, please switch to our official feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/SeattleBubble Thanks! Here is your open thread for Monday July 9th, 2012. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a…
Poll: The licensing requirements to perform real estate transactions should be…
This poll was active 07.08.2012 through 07.14.2012
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-07-07
"Northgate redevelopment raises citywide affordability concerns" http://t.co/vaGFhrdw via @SeattleTimes # "Auction marks Suncadia's return to marketing condos" http://t.co/VqCMTfEZ via @SeattleTimes # On Vashon Island, homeowner septic problems are everybody's problem: http://t.co/B8RTXXU5 via @SeattleTimes # Powered by Twitter Tools