Here is your open thread for Monday February 21st, 2011. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word in the user-driven…
Author: The Tim
Poll: Has the housing bubble changed your long-term plans & goals regarding your home?
This poll was active 02.20.2011 through 02.26.2011.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2011-02-19
Still funny. [09/2008] RT @ronsims By early next year, many will come to regret their decision to delay buying a home. # Reaction from @MishGEA to the @NYTimes article on Seattle: # RT @BoingBoing: Philly homeowner forecloses on Wells Fargo [Yup, you read that right.] # RT @MyWallingford: "Is Wallingford immune to…
Mid-February Market Snapshot Map
Time for another sweet market status Tableau map. This time I’ve taken all the active listings as of February 17th and all the closed sales between January 1st 2010 and February 17th 2011, and slapped them all onto the same map. Crazy! Click any zip code’s circle to update all the pies and bars below…
Weekend Open Thread (2011-02-18)
Here is your open thread for the weekend beginning Friday February 18th, 2011. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word…