Let’s check in again on the cheapest homes around Seattle proper. Here’s our methodology: I search the listings for the cheapest homes currently on the market, excluding short sales, in the city of Seattle proper. Any properties that are in obvious states of extreme disrepair based on listing photos and descriptions will be excluded. This…
Author: The Tim
Mid-Week Open Thread (2010-11-03)
Here is your open thread for the mid-week on November 3rd, 2010. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word in…
Top 30 Cities: Price to Rent & Price to Income Ratios
As something of a follow-up to September’s Big Picture Week, I thought I would post another update to the multi-city price metrics table. This time I figured I would expand the list to the top 30 so DC, Vegas, and Portland wouldn’t feel left out. Data is current as of August 2010. Previous posts covered…
October Stats Preview: The Long Slow Slide into Winter
Happy November, everybody! With October behind us, it’s time for another monthly stats preview. Most of the charts below are based on broad county-wide data that is available through a simple search of King County and Snohomish County public records. If you have additional stats you’d like to see in the preview, drop a line…
Monday Open Thread (2010-11-01)
Here is your open thread for Monday November 1st, 2010. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word in the user-driven…