It’s been over a year since we last checked in on Seattle’s price to rent ratio. Let’s see how that metric looks over the last twenty years [Update: I changed the chart below to reflect the annual rent. Here’s the original based on monthly rent.]: It is interesting to note that thanks to semi-flatening home…
Author: The Tim
Mid-Week Open Thread (2010-09-22)
Here is your open thread for the mid-week on September 22nd, 2010. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word in…
Big Picture Week: Examining Home Affordability
In one of the first responses to yesterday’s look at Seattle’s long-term Case-Shiller Home Price Index Ross Peterson brought up a good point: So equivalent annual income increase did not keep up with the housing prices increase but did the buying power keep up with the increase? I think the interests rates have fallen in…
Big Picture Week: Case-Shiller HPI Rate of Increase
We spend a lot of time on here talking about month-to-month changes in this or that index, looking for signs of what’s coming next in the housing market. This close scrutiny certainly has its place, but sometimes it’s helpful to take a step back and look at things in more of a long-term historical context….
Monday Open Thread (2010-09-20)
Here is your open thread for Monday September 20th, 2010. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word in the user-driven…