A decent number of commenters on Thursday’s post were critical of the chosen new name for Seattle Bubble, lambasting it as “boring,” “bland,” and “insipid.” So, here’s your one last chance to suggest something better. I’ve come up with five additional alternatives, and if you don’t like those, drop your best suggestion in the comments….
Author: The Tim
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2009-12-19
"Landlords are facing the worst market they've seen in three decades." http://is.gd/5lfe2 # Jay Leno made the same "drinking your way out of alcoholism" analogy that we posted on Wed. http://is.gd/5lfyO # You've been BoingBoing'ed, @KirstenGrind http://www.boingboing.net/2009/12/12/fdic-sends-a-big-f-u.html # RT @mattgoyer: New blog post: Olive 8 Gets Loan Renewed http://bit.ly/5xVGBK # RT @KirstenGrind: New internal JPMorgan…
Personal Incomes Up Slightly, Homes Still Overpriced
The latest (third quarter) personal income stats from the Bureau of Economic Analysis came out today. Washington State showed a 0.6% increase from the second quarter to the third, but a record 1.5% year-over-year drop from the third quarter 2008. I thought it would be interesting to compare this measure to home prices. Keep in…
Weekend Open Thread (2009-12-18)
Here is your open thread for the weekend beginning Friday December 18th, 2009. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word…
Changes on the horizon at Seattle Bubble…
As 2009 winds down and the real estate market enters winter hibernation, now seems like a good time to talk about some of the changes on the horizon here at Seattle Bubble. First up, a subject that we’ve discussed a few times here in the past: name change. “Seattle Bubble” is a name that made…