This is your open thread for the weekend. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here. I’m heading out of town for Christmas this morning. Since my parents are still on dial-up (shudder), there will not likely be any new posts of substance until Wednesday at the earliest. Happy last-minute shopping!
Author: The Tim
Friday Open Thread
This is your open thread for today. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here. Here’s a fun thing I discovered yesterday. Check out the results of a Google search for It’s a Priority. Nice!
Reader Question: Redmond New Construction
Here’s a series of questions from a reader that was posted in a recent thread. (The questions were originally posted under the name “Sash,” but due to a strange bug in the transition to the new Blogger the comments now show as “anonymous”.) Folks, you seem to have a lot of data on the housing…
Wednesday Open Thread
This is your open thread for today. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here. Sorry about the extended “being switched to the new Blogger” transition. Blogger said it would only take “a few minutes.” Hah!
Associated Grocers Cashes In on the Bubble
Associated Grocers is selling a 55-acre plot of land in south Seattle, and apparently the commercial real estate world is all riled up. It’s the biggest slice of Seattle land to come on the market in “recent years,” and it’s coming on the market because the owners want to “cash in on the significant appreciation.”…