This is your open thread for today. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.
Author: The Tim
Tim Ellis is the founder of Seattle Bubble. His background in engineering and computer / internet technology, a fondness of data-based analysis of problems, and an addiction to spreadsheets all influence his perspective on the Seattle-area real estate market. Tim also hosts the weekly improv comedy sci-fi podcast Dispatches from the Multiverse.
Weekend Open Thread
This is your open thread for this weekend. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.
Friday Open Thread
This is your open thread for today. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.
WCRER: Affordability Continues To Drop
The Washington Center for Real Estate Research (WCRER)has released their latest affordability statistics. Unsurprisingly, home affordability in King County dropped yet again, reaching a new low of 69.2. Here’s your latest graph of WCRER’s index since 1994: Click to enlarge The decline in affordability from Q2 to Q3 was relatively minor, due to lower interest…
Wednesday Open Thread
This is your open thread for today. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.