This is your open thread for today. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.
Author: The Tim
Wednesday Open Thread
This is your open thread for today. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.
Seattle’s Tenuous Smartness
Yo ho, mateys. This be a fairly long article from the weekend, but considerin’ that it be about Seattle’s smartness ‘n high tech jobs, I be findin’ it worthy of postin’ here.</pirate> A once-proud hub of innovation left to languish as brilliant people, new ideas and dazzling products bubble up elsewhere. An urban wasteland that’s…
Tuesday Open Seas
Arrr, this be yer open thread for today, ye scurvy sea dogs. Post yer random links and off-topic tales here.
Trahant: Wake Up and Smell the Credit Bubble
There were a lot of interesting stories in the news this weekend, but the one that deserves attention before the rest is the latest editorial gem from Mark Trahant. This region ought to be one where we are comfortable with the boom-and-bust cycle. It is inevitable — and it is reflected in our stories. Yet…