Time for another inbox-clearing bubble link roundup. Try to hold down your lunch while you delve into the flashy world of downtown condo marketing. But condo’s aren’t just the rage in downtown Seattle, they’re cropping up everywhere, even on Bainbridge Island. Do you hear that? That’s the world’s smallest violin playing a song of pity…
Author: The Tim
Economy.com: Seattle Definitely Special
Commenter MIDan pointed out a downright funny article over at Forbes.com in which they publish graphs predicting the next ten years of real estate prices in 15 metro areas around the country, including Seattle. Here’s their graph for Seattle: You just know it has to be correct, because I mean listen to this terribly convincing…
Weekend Open Thread
This is your open thread for the weekend. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.
"An abundance of homes" in Thurston County
Usually the Olympian beats the Seattle rags by a day with their report on the latest monthly housing figures. For some reason, this month the Times, P-I, and everyone else seems to be sitting on their hands, allowing the Olympian to beat them by no fewer than three days with their report of the continued…
Friday Open Thread
This is your open thread for today. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.