This is your open thread for the weekend. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.
Author: The Tim
Real Estate Insight Hiding In Sports Talk
Don’t miss Bill Virgin’s latest column in the Seattle P-I today. The subject is the Sonics’ sale, but check out the reference to Seattle real estate that he managed to slip in there: Owning a sports franchise is like buying a Monet painting. The immediate payoff is psychological, not financial; in fact, ownership is likely…
Job Growth: 71% Shave From 1st Quarter
It’s that time of the month again… time for the latest state job statistics, and time for everyone’s favorite cliché, good news / bad news. The good news is more jobs were added in June than in May. The bad news is that job growth is still significantly slower than it was just six months…
Probably Not A Minority Opinion
I just know you’ll love this opinion piece in today’s Seattle Times: Rising interest rates have cooled the housing explosion around much of the country, but in the Puget Sound region, real estate remains king. And the queen is the over-the-top but never disappointing model home. I’m not referring to the minipalaces laid out in…
Wednesday Open Thread
This is your open thread for today. Please post random links and off-topic discussions here.