Olympia is feeling the heat of the “real estate boom” in the form of more and more home prices jumping above the $400,000 mark. Sales of South Sound’s most expensive homes are growing faster than any other price range, statistics from Olympic Multiple Listing Service show. Through September, there were 109 sales of homes worth…
Category: News
News, current events, etc.
Downtown Seattle Office Rents On The Rise
I have made it clear that I personally believe that real estate in the Seattle area is overvalued. However, I hope that I have also made it clear that the purpose of this blog isn’t to skew the facts or present “my side” of the story, but rather to provide a resource for those seeking…
Quickie Follow-Ups
Just a couple of short follow-ups on previous posts. For starters, recall previous discussions about Seattle’s affordability as it relates to the business climate, as well as the speculation about what would cause a high-tech exodus. Today we find at least one example of a high-tech company deciding that Seattle just isn’t worth it: GiftCertificates.com…
P-I Editorial Board Makes A Funny
There’s not much to this short editorial in today’s Seattle P-I that follows up on last Friday’s “Seattle not in a bubble” story. It’s nothing though if not good for a short laugh: A Post-Intelligencer headline a few days ago reinforces a common narrative: “Seattle may escape housing bubble.” The cost of a home may…
What Does A Million Buy?
The King County Journal takes a look in a pair of stories today at the arbitrary big round number $1,000,000 and how much house it buys in the Seattle area these days. County records show a little over 4,600 homes in King County with an assessed value of at least $1 million. That’s better than…