RT @seattletimes Insider loans rife as bank collapsed http://t.co/qaaBE7VK -> RT @seattletimes: Looting the bank? Local conspiracy allegedly snared millions of dollars http://t.co/SJ3Ju6q1 -> RT @NickTimiraos: Six reasons housing inventory keeps declining http://t.co/kHYIfOZD -> "Fall start planned for 660-foot skyscraper in downtown Seattle" http://t.co/EUw07rCM via @SeattleTimes -> "Housing board picks Vulcan to redevelop Yesler Terrace"…
Category: News
News, current events, etc.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2013-01-18
I missed this on Friday: Tacoma-area Westside Community Bank was closed by the FDIC: http://t.co/IjAgkO3f -> "Old Buildings May Be On Chopping Block In South Lake Union" http://t.co/ThbgDkh0 via @KUOW -> "Developer sues Kirkland for limiting size of his project" http://t.co/ppqtabJv via @SeattleTimes -> "Days of big rent increases for apartments may be over, especially…
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2013-01-11
Top 10 Most Expensive King County Home Sales of 2012 – http://t.co/JPtZXBvJ via @urbnlivn -> "Court allows high-rise condos at Point Wells" Now, whether anyone would BUY luxury condos there… http://t.co/fyaiWuvk via @EverettHerald -> "Rockefeller Group plans to build offices in downtown Bellevue" (three office towers, 2.4M sqft) http://t.co/R9ql6oBs via @SeattleTimes -> What will they…
Reporting Roundup: Unique Greedy Frenzy Edition
It’s time once again for the monthly reporting roundup, where you can read my wry commentary about the news instead of subjecting yourself to boring rehashes of the NWMLS press release (or in addition to, if that’s what floats your boat). To kick things off, here’s an excerpt from the NWMLS press release: Northwest MLS…
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2013-01-04
Forbes writer claims "97% of Americans'" homes are worth "significantly less" than what they paid. Nope. http://t.co/cSwnNmJo ->