Enjoy Seattle Bubble? Support this Site! It’s time once again for the monthly reporting roundup, where you can read my wry commentary about the news instead of subjecting yourself to boring rehashes of the NWMLS press release (or in addition to, if that’s what floats your boat). To kick things off, here’s an excerpt from…
Category: News
News, current events, etc.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-09-29
"Seattle may be in record apartment boom" http://t.co/BvJDrVb8 via @RealEstatePI # "Trulia CEO Pete Flint on the IPO, competing with Zillow" http://t.co/8HXPnpA4 via @GeekWire # "Shares of Zillow sink after analyst says prospects stink" http://t.co/G8QEVkbk via @GeekWire # …& it's got the Czech Sky RT @urbnlivn: Peek into the personal residence of architect Milton Stricker…
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-09-22
"Auburn tries to 'shame' lenders into maintaining homes" http://t.co/6LYc0YUG via @RealEstatePI # "Real-estate rebound adding to city coffers" http://t.co/iqO3BRAw via @SeattleTimes # Powered by Twitter Tools
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-09-15
"Backyard houses catch the eye of City Council" http://t.co/bGXMFHzM via @SeattleTimes # "Seattle fast-tracks ban on big backyard houses; hearing Thursday" http://t.co/iROVvknI via @SeattleTimes # Three nice Czech Sky photos on the latest @urbnlivn post: http://t.co/YsJKt8oC # "The average homeownership cost in the Seattle area is $978 a month" Um, what? Yeah right. http://t.co/pcSd48cq via…
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-09-08
RT @NickTimiraos: More evidence that home prices have hit bottom (just don't confuse it with a full-on recovery) http://t.co/subKcdsW #wsj # "Vulcan to build, lease 2 more buildings for Amazon" http://t.co/X9091fWp via @SeattleTimes # "Wave of new hotels planned in Seattle" http://t.co/HhlEsJem via @SeattleTimes # Crazy: RT @RedfinSeattle: Has anyone seen the house wrapped in…