Here’s a different take on sales and price data that I found interesting. I took the total sales volume of single-family homes in King County for each year and multiplied it by the full-year average sale price, then took six percent of that amount to arrive at a total amount of potential commission paid to…
Category: Statistics
Statistics, number-based analysis, etc.
All Five Price Tiers Saw Double Digit Declines in December
Let’s take another look at the King County single-family sale price percentiles. Here’s how I break down the price percentiles for these posts. Each bucket is a cutoff where some percentage of homes sold below that price, while the remaining percentage sold above that price. Bottom: 10% below, 90% above. Low: 25% below, 75% above….
Foreclosures Continue Rapid, Unexplained Decline
It’s time once again to expand on our preview of foreclosure activity with a more detailed look at September’s stats in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. First up, the Notice of Trustee Sale summary: December 2011 King: 345 NTS, down 61% YOY Snohomish: 161 NTS, down 65% YOY Pierce: 228 NTS, down 54% YOY Foreclosures…
The Housing ATM is Dead. Good Riddance.
I was playing around a bit with Google Insights for Search when I came across this rather telling chart. The dark blue line below represents the general interest in real estate topics, as measured by Google. No surprise that it peaked in July 2005 and has been on a steady down trend ever since. The…
Federal Government Sells Over 1 in 4 Seattle-Area REOs
Full disclosure: The Tim is employed by Redfin. We’ve been digging into a lot of different data at Redfin lately, and I found this particular set to be quite interesting. What I’ve done here is take all the bank-owned (REO) sales over 2011 and group them by the bank that was selling the home. The…