This poll was active 02.06.2011 through 02.12.2011.
Tag: Polls
Predictions: Will 2011 Finally be the Bottom?
With 2010 well behind us now, it’s past time for another roundup of yearly Seattle real estate market predictions. Here are our past prediction posts for 2007, 2008, 2009, & 2010. Rather than playing the usual game of scraping and searching through the local papers for notable prognosticators going on the record with someone else…
Poll: What % of King Co. SFH sales in 2011 will be REO?
This poll was active 01.30.2011 through 02.05.2011.
Poll: I am most interested in buying…
This poll was active 01.23.2011 through 01.29.2011.
Poll: It is _____ a good idea to stretch your finances to buy a home.
This poll was active 01.16.2011 through 01.22.2011.