Comments like this one crack me up:
I am not sure what I have stumbled in on. This is the first time I’ve seen this blog. It seems as though this site is a place where people are trying to convince themselves that the Seattle real estate market is going to fail and that it will be a glorious day of vindication for some (most of the contributors) and crow eating (the rest of society).
There are very few examples in the recent past of real estate being a bad investment over the long haul. It can be risky to buy if you know you need to sell in a couple of years. But if it is a place to live and you are planning to be there awhile it is probably the smartest investment you’ll make.
Wait, are we talking about the “recent past” or are we talking about “the long haul”? Also, Seattle Home Owner, could you please explain to me exactly how one can cash in on “the smartest investment you’ll make”?
A house is a place to live, period. A home is not a winning financial investment, except during times of irrational exuberance such as the period we are now leaving behind us.