It’s time for another installment of Real Actual Listing Photos. Once a month (or so) I round up some of the most bizarre listing photos from around the Seattle area and post them here, with brief excerpts from the real actual listing description, and probably a bit of snarky commentary.
This month’s theme: Seattle condos!
The idea for this series stems from the ongoing forum thread Detrimental Listing Photos, which is where you should post your nominations for next month’s Real Actual Listing Photos post.
Enough explanation. Let’s get to the photos! Click the photo to view the Real Actual Listing.

At left: The primary listing photo for Unit 401 in 120 1st Ave. W. At right, the primary listing photo for Unit 502 in the same building. From the description of unit 502: “rooftop deck with grill and amazing views of the city.” Of course, none of the photos happen to show that view. Also be sure to check out the kitchen and bathroom shots on that one. Priceless.

Listing agent boasts a camera-mounted flash that casts large distracting shadows and an inability to spell “mahogany.”

…and a glowing yellow bathroom. Did we mention the glowing yellow bathroom?

The description isn’t the only thing that the agent abbreviated to save space. This photo of the “open kit” is shown actual size.
As I was browsing photos of Seattle condos, I noticed something of a running theme… Apparently buyers won’t believe that you have a keen vertical washer/dryer combo unless you include it in your listing photos. Or something.
Let me know if you have an idea for another “Real Actual Listing Photos” theme.