- Wow, talk about desperation: via @SeattleTimes – "Borrowers facing foreclosure try dubious 'sweat equity' claims" http://is.gd/v7kFLx #
- Wow this guy really hates home ownership. "Why I Am Never Going to Own a Home Again" http://is.gd/y4Ji5k #
- Yet another article on the latest local rental report from Dupre+Scott http://is.gd/cZAysV I still think it's overblown. #
- RT @jillayne: RT @SocialApocalyps @4closureFraud: LPS' Mortgage Monitor Report Shows Enormous Backlog of Foreclosures http://bit.ly/dIhuAf #
- The Czech Sky (http://is.gd/FxTFMd) strikes again! http://is.gd/olcS4p http://twitpic.com/4ep62u #
- The 100,000th comment on Seattle Bubble is from Scotsman, telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. Nice :) http://is.gd/Uyge6h #
- "It makes no sense to say, 'We want you homeless.'" -Jim McDermott (opposite of owning = homelessness?) http://is.gd/zTtAgB #
- 55 Homes planned on 11 acres in Bothell http://is.gd/o2hMiR But wait, I thought nobody was building? #
- .@FortuneMagazine – Totally schizo on home prices: Time to buy! http://is.gd/HR6A08 Prices are doomed! http://is.gd/ZFXguG #
- Hmm, this could get interesting. Windermere investing big in new web tech. http://is.gd/tgLnRN via @GeekWireNews #
- Funny, I've never had a radio interview I've done written into a news piece before. Guess now I have! http://bit.ly/fRzwf9 #
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