It’s time for another installment of Real Actual Listing Photos. Once a month (or so) I round up some of the most bizarre listing photos from around the Seattle area and post them here, with brief excerpts from the real actual listing description, and probably a bit of snarky commentary. The idea for this series…
Author: The Tim
The Battle of the Flippers: Everyone’s a Winner
Back in April two similary-specced homes hit the market on my street in what I referred to as “The Battle of the Flippers.” As of last week, both homes have now sold, so let’s check out the results: The Contenders 3609 Wetmore 2 Beds, 1 Bath, 1,106 square feet 4,792 square foot lot Built in…
Monday Open Thread (2012-07-16)
NOTE: If you are subscribed to Seattle Bubble’s RSS feed and are seeing these open threads in the feed, please switch to our official feed at Thanks! Here is your open thread for Monday July 16th, 2012. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a…
Poll: I care most about the upcoming election for…
This poll was active 07.15.2012 through 07.21.2012
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-07-14
[66 units of] "Affordable housing to continue at Northgate Apartments site" via @SeattleTimes # That's no cruise ship. It's a luxury condo! # Short writeup with a bunch of closer exterior photos of "The World" floating condos from @RealEstatePI # RT @NickTimiraos: The U.S. housing bust is over via @davidmwessel…