Here are a few charts of the latest NWMLS stats that I included in my presentation last week at Crista that I thought would also be worth sharing here. In the following charts each bar represents the number of King County single family homes sold or listed in April of each year since 2000. Record…
Author: The Tim
Local Incomes Could Afford 22% More Expensive Homes
Let’s take an updated look at home affordability in King County. First up, the affordability index. The affordability index is based on three factors: median single-family home price as reported by the NWMLS, 30-year monthly mortgage rates as reported by the Federal Reserve, and estimated median household income as reported by the Washington State Office…
Monday Open Thread (2012-05-07)
NOTE: If you are subscribed to Seattle Bubble’s RSS feed and are seeing these open threads in the feed, please switch to our official feed at Thanks! Here is your open thread for Monday May 7th, 2012. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a…
Poll: Home owners: For me, my primary residence is mainly…
This poll was active 05.06.2012 through 05.12.2012
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-05-05
My original calculation of the 3-year cost for 1521 2nd #3802 forgot interest payments. Added: # "New to Seattle" takes on smooth-talking Paramount Equity ad featuring Obama clip: # Tim quoted in local additions to this Washington Post piece about flipping: # "Sale of Seattle Office Building Suggests Market Pickup" – Really…