This poll was active 01.29.2012 through 02.04.2012
Author: The Tim
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-01-28
Um, what? RT @PSBJ: Psychics speculate on Mastros' whereabouts: # Great story! RT @GRSblog: Thanks @MoneySavingMom for this excellent guest post: How We Paid Cash for Our First Home # Wow these emails @Zillow keeps sending me are so useful and not at all random. # So classy! Bank of America makes…
Friday Flashback: John L. Scott’s 2008 “Buy Smart Zone”
Today’s Friday Flashback comes to us courtesy of John L. Scott (“Your Trusted Real Estate Resource”), who published this delightful “white paper” in early 2008, titled Why Now Is A Smart Time To Buy (pdf). Here are some selected excerpts: FACT: The housing market is undergoing a natural cyclical correction. …unlike what the media would…
Weekend Open Thread (2012-01-27)
Here is your open thread for the weekend beginning Friday January 27th, 2012. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word…
Still Waiting for the Promised Surge in Interest Rates
I thought it might be worthwhile to take another updated look at mortgage rates. Here’s a chart of mortgage rates via the Federal Reserve over the last seven years. Latest rates came in at 3.88%, the lowest they have been as far back as the Federal Reserve’s data goes (early 1971). Here’s a chart of…