Here is your open thread for Monday January 2nd, 2012. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word in the user-driven…
Author: The Tim
Poll: What’s your 2012 Housing Resolution?
This poll was active 01.01.2012 through 01.07.2012.
Politics & Economics Open Thread
Talk about politics and the global/national economy to your heart’s content, as much as it takes to get it out of your system so the rest of the site can stick to real estate and housing. For previous economic open threads, click here. As of 09/07/2010, global economic comments that do not directly relate to…
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2011-12-31
"Experts see rebound in home prices by 2013" Same "experts" who said home prices would never fall in the 1st place? # Seattle Apartment Bubble? "Building boom for Seattle apartments may be overdone" via @seattletimes # "Falling Seattle home prices may be cutting into rental demand" via @PSBJ # "Housing bust proves…
Top 10 Most-Viewed Posts of 2011
Next up in the “Top 10 of 2011” series: the most-viewed individual posts. Note of course that this only counts how many times people clicked through to each post’s individual link, excluding all the views they may have received on the front page. 2,851 pageviews, 02/14: New York Times: Seattle Sellers Simply Surrendering 3,255 pageviews,…