I’ve been noticing a lot more of the cheap homes I had been watching during my active home search coming back on the market lately as rehab flips. Not only that, but they’re selling, sometimes fairly quickly, at double the previous price or more. Check out a couple examples in my neck of the woods:…
Author: The Tim
Monday Open Thread (2011-09-26)
Here is your open thread for Monday September 26th, 2011. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word in the user-driven…
Poll: Would you rather buy:
This poll was active 09.25.2011 through 10.01.2011.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2011-09-24
I explicitly excluded new homes from my search. "Should you buy a New home or an Old one?" http://t.co/sDk39YqK via @raincityguide @ARDELLd # Kirkland-based Market Leader buys RealEstate.com for $8.25M w/ just 300k visitors/mo http://t.co/bO86aULJ via @GeekWireNews # Seattle Bubble's got 60k visitors/mo, maybe Market Leader will buy us for $1.65M? # 882-unit Archstone Redmond…
How Much of the Seattle-Area Market Will be Affected by New Conforming Loan Limits?
There’s been a bit of talk in some circles about how new, lower “high balance conforming loan limits” that go into effect on October 1st going to somehow dramatically affect the local housing market (presumably in a bad way). In order to get a sense of scope on how many sales might be affected by…