After spending a couple days looking at incomes and home prices, let’s throw interest rates into the mix as well with an updated look at affordability. As a brief refresher, here’s the formula for calculating the affordability index: While we discuss the broad county-wide affordability trends, don’t forget that you can also play around with…
Author: The Tim
Mid-Week Open Thread (2011-04-06)
Here is your open thread for the mid-week on April 6th, 2011. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word in…
Readers: Help Create a Seattle Repeat Sale Index
I’m working on an upcoming post where I’ll be analyzing repeat sales in different neighborhoods and cities around the Seattle area, and I could use your help. I’m looking data on any homes in the Seattle area that have sold in the last month or so (since March 1st) that also sold sometime prior to…
Seattle Got Richer Just Before the Housing Bubble
In the comments on yesterday’s post, Jonness took me to task for my claim that the incomes of likely homebuyers saw a notable boost between 1996 and 2001. Ask yourself why house prices have fallen less percentage-wise in Thurston County than King County? Google doesn’t have a campus in Olympia, and very few people down…
Seattle Home Prices Back in Line with Per Capita Incomes
There has been a lot of talk the last week or so in the comments about home prices and incomes. I’ve linked up my September post on the topic a few times, but I thought it would be nice to run an update since it’s been half a year. Here’s my conclusion from that post:…