Let’s play a new game that I’m calling “Guess the Price.” Here’s how the game works. I’ll describe a home that’s currently on the market, giving you as many pros and cons as I can, and you guess what the final sale price will be when/if it sells, and the closing date. Be sure to…
Author: The Tim
Rehab Flips Making a Comeback During the Housing Bust?
Photo by Flickr user RickerPix found in the Seattle Bubble Flickr pool Way back in the days before everyone thought it would be a great idea to get rich selling progressively more ridiculously expensive homes to each other, “flipping” had a different meaning than most people associate with the word today. Flipping a home wasn’t…
Monday Open Thread (2010-12-13)
Here is your open thread for Monday December 13th, 2010. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word in the user-driven…
Poll: When is the best season to buy a home, weather-wise?
This poll was active 12.12.2010 through 12.18.2010.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2010-12-11
RT @clusterstock: Housing Report That Prompted Nouriel Roubini's Huge Estiamte For Future Losses by @thestalwart http://read.bi/fVU7BI # Accrd. to Trulia & RealtyTrac, "Half of Americans Say Home Recovery at Least Two Years Away" http://bit.ly/gm7kby # Hah, nice headline: "Housing market will recover in 2011 … or not" http://bit.ly/gTg4wu via @RealEstatePI # RT @johnhcook: Looking to…