Let’s check in again on the cheapest homes around Seattle proper. For methodology and a brief explanation of the reasoning behind this series, hit the April post. Please note: These posts should not be construed to be an advertisement or endorsement of any specific home for sale. We are merely taking a brief snapshot of…
Author: The Tim
Visualizing the Tax Credit Sales Boost
I’ve been trying to come up with the best way of visualizing just how effective the inefficient, expensive, and economically stupid $8,000 tax credit has been at boosting home sales in the Seattle area, and I think I’ve finally come up with something really good. To generate the chart below, I took all the single-family…
Mid-Week Open Thread (2009-12-02)
Here is your open thread for the mid-week on December 2nd, 2009. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word in…
November Stats Preview: Closed Sales See Expected Surge
With November now in the rear view mirror, let’s have a look at the monthly stats preview. Most of the charts below are based on broad county-wide data that is available through a simple search of King County Records. If you have additional stats you’d like to see in the “preview,” drop a line in…
Detailed Analysis of Washington State Banks via Seattle Times
The Seattle Times posted an interesting article yesterday about Washington State’s banks titled Some Washington banks are recovering, others see their options narrowing According to The Seattle Times’ quarterly analysis of Washington banks and thrifts, most of the state’s financial institutions seem to be weathering the upheaval reasonably well. Others, while clearly struggling, probably can…