Let’s check out the three price tiers for the Seattle area, as measured by Case-Shiller. Remember, Case-Shiller’s “Seattle” data is based on single-family home repeat sales in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties. Note that the tiers are determined by sale volume. In other words, 1/3 of all sales fall into each tier. For more details…
Author: The Tim
Mid-Week Open Thread (2009-11-25)
Here is your open thread for the mid-week on November 25th, 2009. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word in…
Bloomberg Runs Flat-Out False Case-Shiller Headline
Bloomberg Headline: Home Prices in 20 U.S. Cities Rise for Fourth Month Hey, cool! The housing downturn must be over if home prices rose in all twenty of the cities tracked by Case-Shiller, right? Right? …way down in the 11th paragraph of the article: Compared with the prior month, nine of the 20 areas covered…
Case-Shiller: Seattle Home Prices Hit New Post-Bubble Low
What better way to kick off Thanksgiving weekend than with the latest data from the Case-Shiller Home Price Index? According to September data, Down 0.4% August to September. Down 0.3% August to September (seasonally adjusted) Down 13.8% YOY. Down 22.5% from the July 2007 peak Last year prices fell 1.4% from August to September (not…
Economy: Back from the brink, or poised for a greater collapse?
Someone linked this up in the weekend open thread, and I thought it was a pretty good summary of why I am not convinced that we are presently on the road to recovery, so I thought I’d share it here. Are We Living In Zero Hour Now? If I tried to excerpt some of the…