Oooh, dramatic: "Collapse still haunts former WaMu workers." # Analysts are worried that Americans aren't spending "the way they did before the crash." Personally, I'm relieved. # I think the Seattle Bubble office needs this poster # Recession over, or merely the eye of the hurricane? # NewsFlash: Homebuyers want to…
Author: The Tim
Puget Sound Counties Interactive August Update
The time has come for our regularly-scheduled late-month check on NWMLS statistics from around the sound. As usual, courtesy Tableau Software, the Around the Sound update is rocking exclusive interactive data visualizations. Feel free to download the old charts in Excel 2007 and Excel 2003 format. To get specific info about a certain point on…
Weekend Open Thread (2009-09-25)
Here is your open thread for the weekend beginning Friday September 25th, 2009. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word…
Housing Stats: Seattle vs. Other Big Cities
Building on the data that was presented yesterday, here’s a sortable table of some more detailed housing stats for the 25 largest US cities by population. Included below are population, density, median sale price, median price per square foot, median rent, median household income, median list price, and some ratios of sale prices to rents…
List Prices: Seattle vs. Other Large Cities
Admittedly, yesterday’s post comparing home prices in Seattle to a remote location in Wisconsin really wasn’t fair. Granted, it was posted more for humor than for serious consideration, but there are certainly better comparisons that we could have made. So what would be more fair? How about if we take the top 25 cities in…