Tomorrow we’ll have the monthly foreclosure report for May, but today here’s a comment left by “Ross” in the reporting roundup last week that deserves to be highlighted. Ross recounts his experience attempting to buy a bank-owned (i.e. – foreclosed) home: On a foreclose property I was watching, here’s my experience: Last purchase price (2006)…
Category: Features
“Throwing Away Money”
One of the reasons we would often hear people use to justify overspending on a home during the bubble was that they wanted to stop “throwing away money” on rent. I would hope that by now most people have realized how ridiculous that concept is, but I thought it might help dispel the notion if…
DIY Seattle Home Ownership on the Cheap
A couple months ago I pointed out Mike Davidson’s excellent home-building journal A House by the Park, in which he is chronicling his step-by-step process to build a custom home in Magnolia. When I posted that link, some readers complained that Mike’s project was too high-end to be of much use to your more average…
Cheapest Seattle Homes: June Edition
Let’s check in again on the cheapest homes around Seattle proper. Ideally this should be a monthly series, but somehow it was overlooked last month. For methodology and a brief explanation of the reasoning behind this series, hit the April post. Please note: These posts should not be construed to be an advertisement or endorsement…
What does Personal Income tell us about near future home prices?
There have been a couple of discussions in the comments section in the last week or so about the relationship between home prices and incomes. I thought it would be a good time to queue up a post about the long-term price-to-income trends, where we are now, and what the possible outcomes could be. The…