with Crystal, the pretty pink pony Hey gang, it’s me again. Just wanted to update everybody on our big road trip. We’ve seen lots of places all across the country. It’s fun seeing new places. It’s like, as exciting as you can expect places outside of Seattle to be, anyway. January 2: Happy New Year…
Category: Humor
Dispatches from the Road: Arizona & New Mexico
with Crystal, the pretty pink pony Editor’s Note from The Tim: I’m pleased to introduce Crystal, the pretty pink pony; mascot of Seattle real estate. She’ll occasionally pop in (especially over the next few weeks) to share some of her thoughts about the Seattle real estate. She has a… unique perspective that I hope you…
Seattle Bubble Concedes Defeat
Well everyone, it’s been a fun couple of years, but the time has finally come for Seattle Bubble to throw in the towel. Paul Campbell, Some rights reserved. We’ve analyzed the local market from every conceivable direction, explained all the logical reasons why today’s Seattle home prices are not sustainable, watched the national housing market…