RT @SeattleTimes: Is Seattle one of the most expensive cities in the U.S.? Not unless you need a trim: http://t.co/b6AOqBfZ -> Seriously misguided movement, IMO. RT @Andrea_Smolin: Occupy Our Homes Movement Battles Foreclosures | Zillow Blog http://t.co/PGWdD9dV -> RT @ObsoleteDogma: Few households go from foreclosure back to homeownership even after a decade http://t.co/xAGDs5ZA -> "McGinn-Vulcan…
Category: News
News, current events, etc.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-11-09
Email from @Movoto's @OlssonSally "'Twilight' homes in the Great Northwest" Has she actually read our site? We never post fluff like this. -> "Mastros to remain in French prison" http://t.co/JONflbw7 via @SeattleTimes -> Vulcan sold the Amazon office complex to avoid a possible capital-gains tax hike http://t.co/MYXEsHx5 via @SeattleTimes -> EMP: "The rent is too…
Reporting Roundup: Price Jump Fake Out Edition
It’s time once again for the monthly reporting roundup, where you can read my wry commentary about the news instead of subjecting yourself to boring rehashes of the NWMLS press release (or in addition to, if that’s what floats your boat). To kick things off, here’s an excerpt from the NWMLS press release: Housing recovery…
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2012-11-02
Oops: Washington Realtors (@WashRealtors) send political mailer to Vancouver WA w/ photo of Vancouver BC http://t.co/Tu9IXmf0 -> "What to know about Mastro’s empire — how he built it, how it unraveled" http://t.co/SAOHg61R via @PSBJ -> "How Michael Mastro tapped into vast sums of Seattle money, and then let it drip away" http://t.co/3Bu8GbTH via @PSBJ ->…
MLS-Powered Search Sites Hold Major Advantage Over Zillow & Trulia
Full disclosure: The Tim is employed by Redfin. Earlier this month, Redfin released the results of an in-depth study of real estate listing accuracy across various websites, including Redfin, Windermere, Zillow, and Trulia. The results will not surprise anyone who has attempted to do any serious home searching on these sites, but I still wanted…