Happy November, everybody! With October behind us, it’s time for another monthly stats preview. Most of the charts below are based on broad county-wide data that is available through a simple search of King County and Snohomish County public records. If you have additional stats you’d like to see in the preview, drop a line…
Poll: What condition of house do you want to buy?
This poll was active 10.31.2010 through 11.06.2010.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2010-10-30
The @SeattleTimes liked the @NYTimes Smith Tower apartment story so much they published it twice. http://is.gd/geoQa http://is.gd/guqNV # Wow. Creepy blue guy on this @SeattleTimes article about ZipRealty's weird "Sales Rack" promotion. http://is.gd/geYRA # Kevin @Findwell nicely explains why the ZipRealty "Sale" promo is so weird and pointless: http://is.gd/geZ72 # via @SeattleTimes – "Westlake Center,…
Local Media Misdirects Massive Foreclosure Freak Out
Foreclosure-tracking company RealtyTrac released their third quarter report yesterday, which included a ranking of major metro areas around the country by their respective rates of increase in foreclosure activity compared to the third quarter of 2009. With a 71% year-over-year increase in RealtyTrac’s report, the Seattle area ranked #1 as the metro where foreclosures increased…
Puget Sound Housing Market Entered Deep Freeze in Q3
The latest issue of Sound Housing Quarterly has been published (Q3 2010). Sound Housing Quarterly is a subscription-based sister project to Seattle Bubble that I created to provide a single consolidated and consistent source of high-level local housing market stats and analysis. This month’s report is 48 pages long, and took me the better part…