Since February employment numbers were just recently released here in Washington State, let’s check in again on the jobs situation around Seattle, courtesy of data from the Washington State Employment Security Department. The style of most of these charts are stolen from the excellent San Diego housing reporter Rich Toscano. First up, here’s a two-year…
Buyers Getting More House for Their Money Even as Median Prices Rise
In our conversation last week about median prices, David Losh brought up an interesting question: It would be interesting to see what the median price buys you this year compared to last year, or the year before. With some neighborhoods around Seattle showing year-over-year gains in their median prices, it would be informative to see…
Poll: The best deals around Seattle right now are mostly…
This poll will be active and displayed on the sidebar through 03.20.2010.
Weekly Twitter Digest (Link Roundup) for 2010-03-13
Estimated 15% of Seattle mortgage holders underwater: # Seattle is #1 again! (for the biggest rental price drops) [spotted by reader 'see it clearly'] # RT @calculatedrisk: Shiller: Homeownership and American Culture # 2005: Weyerhaeuser buys Federal Way building for $21 million. 2010: They sell it for $8.2 million. # Ray…
Friday Flashback: “The last spaceship flight off a planet that’s about to explode”
Here’s one of my favorite pre-bursting-bubble gems. It’s an opinion piece that was published in the Seattle P-I on October 20, 2006, penned by guest columnist Sarah McCormic (her website even still features the article as a noteworthy sample of her work). photo by Flickr user jurvetson With friends who have also been lucky enough…