Time for our May update on Foreclosure activity in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. First up, the Notice of Trustee Sale summary: May 2009 King: 992 NTS, up 69% YOY Snohomish: 511 NTS, up 72% YOY Pierce: 726 NTS, up 43% YOY Here’s a simple look at how May’s foreclosures compare to the same month…
Reader Story: Buying a Bank-Owned Home
Tomorrow we’ll have the monthly foreclosure report for May, but today here’s a comment left by “Ross” in the reporting roundup last week that deserves to be highlighted. Ross recounts his experience attempting to buy a bank-owned (i.e. – foreclosed) home: On a foreclose property I was watching, here’s my experience: Last purchase price (2006)…
“Throwing Away Money”
One of the reasons we would often hear people use to justify overspending on a home during the bubble was that they wanted to stop “throwing away money” on rent. I would hope that by now most people have realized how ridiculous that concept is, but I thought it might help dispel the notion if…
Seattle Go Boom?
This is admittedly only very tangentially related to Seattle real estate, but this news article caught my attention this morning: Congressman implies: Seattle could be nuked Huffington Post columnist Jason Linkins writes today about an e-mail sent by Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo., not Ala. as the headline reads) regarding the United States’ missile defense plans….
Poll: Best way to determine fair price for a property?
Please vote in this poll using the sidebar. This poll will be active and displayed on the sidebar through 06.13.2009.