By request, here is a chart showing Notices of Trustee Sale and Unemployment. Note that the scale for each data set is different to allow their rates of change to be more easily compared. The chart above shows the monthly percentage of households receiving a Notice of Trustee Sale (on the left axis) and the…
Foreclosures Still Rising Rapidly Around Puget Sound
Time for our February update on Foreclosure activity in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. First up, the Notice of Trustee Sale summary: February 2009 King: 838 NTS, up 99% YOY Snohomish: 414 NTS, up 100% YOY Pierce: 663 NTS, up 59% YOY Here’s a simple look at how February’s foreclosures compare to the same month…
Slow Sales Continue to Drag Down State Revenue
Dramatically slumping real estate sales across Washington State continue to drag down State revenues, adding to an already bleak budget picture. From the latest state revenue collection report (pdf): Taxable real estate activity remained weak in February. Real estate tax activity reported by the counties was 56.4 percent below their year-ago level. January receipts had…
Median Prices Down Over 50% in Parts of King
Although the median price has its drawbacks, it does at least give us a reasonably accurate measure of the general direction and magnitude of price changes in an area. While we have had regular monthly updates on the county-wide median prices, we haven’t really taken a look at the price breakdowns by neighborhood for a…
An Overview of the Housing/Credit Crisis
A couple people forwarded me a link to a 116-page pdf titled An Overview of the Housing/Credit Crisis And Why There Is More Pain to Come that is worth checking out. Here’s a look at the table of contents: Overview of the Great Mortgage Bubble Causes of the Great Mortgage Bubble Consequences of the Bursting…