On last Friday’s delistings update post, a reader requested that I provide a view of the data showing cumulative year-long numbers. So, here it is: What stands out to me is how relatively stable the number of new listings has been through the past eight years, varying less than 20% from the lowest year (2008)…
More Unfounded Starry-Eyed Nonsense from Lawrence Yun
Discredited NAR mouthpiece Lawrence Yun paid Seattle a visit on Friday to spout some more of his trademark wish-based forecasting. The Puget Sound Business Journal and the P-I both had brief write-ups of his presentation. From Aubrey Cohen’s write-up in the P-I: “We believe that the home prices have already fallen to what could be…
Poll: Which debt-encouraging tax benefit would you most like to eliminate?
Please vote in this poll using the sidebar. This poll will be active and displayed on the sidebar through 03.07.2009.
The Crisis of Credit Visualized
Great visualization of the mess we’re in. The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.
Delistings on the Decline
Yesterday’s conversation in the comments touched a little bit on homes that are being delisted (taken off the market without selling), so now seems like a good time to post another update to the listings and sales breakdown chart. Below is the breakdown of homes on the market and homes that went off the market…