The affordability index is something we have visited multiple times in the past on these pages. If the concept is new to you, or you just feel like a quick refresher, I recommend you check out the following posts: Seattle Soft Landing: Do The Math A Question Of Affordability Revisiting Seattle’s Soft Landing King County…
Foreclosure Rescue Plan Open Thread
Here’s a good summary of Obama’s proposed foreclosure rescue plan from our friends over at Calculated Risk. This plan rewards those homebuyers who speculated with excessive leverage. I think this is a mistake. Another problem with Part 2 is that this lowers the interest rate for borrowers far underwater, but other than the $1,000 per…
Bottom-Calling: Simple Mirror Forecast
As was noted back in October, graphs of the rise and fall of the Case-Shiller Home Price Index for a number of markets (e.g. San Diego and Seattle) is surprisingly symmetrical. I’ll be the first to admit that this method hardly qualifies as a rigorous scientific analysis of price trends. The apparent relationship between the…
Bottom-Calling: Dollars per Square Foot Linear Forecast
For our next forecast, let’s refer to a dataset that we’ve only gone to once before on Seattle Bubble: Radar Logic’s Residential Property Index. Radar Logic analyzes home sales and produces a running index of sale prices in the Seattle metro area in terms of dollars per square foot. Here are our basic assumptions for…
Bottom-Calling: Inventory-Based Forecast
Long-time readers may recall Deejayoh’s inaugural Seattle Bubble article from June 2007: Why Inventory Matters. In it, he postulated that the Seattle-area Case-Shiller Home Price Index could be relatively accurately predicted fourteen months in advance by looking at year-over-year house inventory on the MLS. Let’s extend Deejayoh’s analysis fourteen months into the future to see…