The latest data from Case-Shiller has been released. Here’s a blurb from the press release: “At both the national and metro area levels, the fall in home prices is showing no real signs of a slowdown or turnaround,” says Robert J. Shiller, Chief Economist at MacroMarkets LLC. “Year-over-year and monthly price returns are continuing to…
Developers spell “price drop” I-N-C-E-N-T-I-V-E-S
Elizabeth Rhodes hits us this morning with a fun little morsel: Developers dangle discounts, toys to lure home buyers. (I wonder why this article wasn’t in the big weekend real estate section? Hmm… Edit: It would appear that the answer to that question is that they were saving it for the front page [pdf].) Puget…
Poll: You win the lottery tomorrow. What’s the earliest you buy a house in the Seattle area?
Please vote in this poll using the sidebar. This poll will be active and displayed on the sidebar through 11.03.2007.
Trahant Keeps Hitting Them Out of the Park
Mark Trahant is definitely my favorite writer for any of the local papers. If we ever get around to having a Seattle Bubble meet-up, he’s definitely invited, and his drink is on me. His latest piece continues to hammer home the reality of the world we live in today: mortgage / housing market is a…
Distressed Sellers Index: October Update
It’s been about a month since I introduced the Distressed Sellers Index, so I thought it would be a good time to check in with another update. Here’s the latest graph: Click to enlarge As you can see, since our last update the DSI has jumped nearly 20 points up into the 70-80 range, where…