This weekend my wife and I are celebrating our fifth anniversary, so no normal posts. How about instead you tell me what you think Seattle Bubble is missing. What would you like to see here, but don’t? More posts? Cool interactive maps? More “balance”? Whatever you’re craving, let’s hear it. I’m always trying to improve…
Explore Seattle’s Sub-Prime Status
A couple people pointed me to a great article in today’s Wall Street Journal on the prevalence of sub-prime lending across the country over the last few years. The article discusses the surge in such risky loans, and the fallout that is already underway and likely to continue. The data suggest that financial suffering is…
A request for clarity.
Rather than place a lengthy remark, I thought I’d place it as a post. Hope you don’t mind. I’m going to type as I think, so I get a free pass on typo’s. Regarding the Steve Tytler’s Everett Herald piece: Steve & fellow bubble believers, In the spirit of your article, I don’t disagree with…
Tytler: “I don’t buy into the ‘gloom and doom'”
For those of you not familiar with Steve Tytler, he is a columnist for the Everett Herald (and also the owner of a mortgage company) who has been pretty much the most reasonable voice in the local media on the housing market. Despite our difference of opinion on just how things will play out, I…
Realistic or In Denial? You be the judge.
The Craigslist Housing Forum has settled down considerably since last year, and the prevailing sentiment seems to have shifted from “mercilessly mock anyone who thinks housing is overpriced” to “well dang, looks like the market is headed down after all.” However, despite the increasingly obvious indicators that our local market will not be spared the…