A common belief (one that I’ve repeated a couple of times here) is that housing trends in the Northwest tend to lag California and the nation as a whole by six months to a year. Obviously we cannot know exactly what will happen here, but if we have generally followed California and the national averages…
"Quite frankly, it’s time to buy."
I think maybe there is some kind of virus infecting the minds of potential homebuyers. The virus settles into the brain and causes the victim to lose the capacity for rational thought in matters of real estate. Symptoms include the delusions that “I need to buy now or I’ll be priced out forever,” “I should…
Industry Extreme Makeover
Side note: What in the heck is up with the FLU bug. I just got over it after my daughter (out of school for 3 days last week) planted one on me and passed it to me. Now my son has been in bed with it. What a great weekend! I understand Blanchet H.S was…
Bubble Link Roundup
There were a lot of mildly interesting real estate stories in the local rags this weekend. So, I think it’s time for another link roundup: a list of links that are worth posting, but not each as their own post. The following links happen to all be specific to the Seattle area. Christy L. Thomas…
Announcing the Seattle Bubble Forums
As many of you may have noticed, the daily open threads have had an increasingly large number of comments lately. I don’t know about anyone else, but for me they become rather difficult to follow after a few dozen comments. Plus, if someone wants to bring up a new subject 30 posts in, it’s quite…