Whoops, sorry about the radio silence yesterday. Busy day snuck right up on me. To make it up to you, here’s an extra-long collection of real actual listing photos. Enough excuses though, let’s get on with it.
It’s time for another installment of Real Actual Listing Photos. Once a month (or so) I round up some of the most bizarre listing photos from around the Seattle area and post them here, with brief excerpts from the real actual listing description, and probably a bit of snarky commentary.
The idea for this series stems from the ongoing forum thread Detrimental Listing Photos, which is where you should post your nominations for next month’s Real Actual Listing Photos post.
No particular theme this month, other than the usual theme of bizarre and disturbing listing photos.
Enough explanation. Let’s get to the photos! Click the photo to view the Real Actual Listing.

Big enough for three big-screen TVs, just for the hell of it! And a tanning bed! And another TV! I count at least seven TVs spread throughout this house. NICE.

It looks like they’re trying to induce vertigo with this bizarre, blurred & hyper-saturated listing photo.

Too bad the all-consuming darkness destroyed the breathless view. Hat tip to Matt Goyer on this one. I thought it needed a little something… extra, so I whipped up an alternate version.

See if you can spot the extra-special touch in this kitchen. Here’s a close-up view in case you’re stumped.

By “must see” they of course meant that you must see the home in person to get any idea of what it looks like since these microscopic pics (shown actual size) won’t be giving you any ideas. Oh, and good luck finding “Bergggren Drive” if you do want to go see it.

Wow, such conviction. I’m sold. Also, I’m sure that this photo is totally representative of the view you have from this house. Also note the subtle touch of the Corvette parked right in front of the home in photo #1.

The kitchen is so spacious you’ll get dizzy and lose your balance just gazing upon it.

Maybe if we shoot this in black and white with all the lights turned off, nobody will notice how cluttered the kitchen is!

Entry room includes glowing nuclear orb of death. DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO GLOWING NUCLEAR ORB OF DEATH.

Nothing says “this home is worth $625,000” like a leak bucket in the middle of the living room. “Great water views” indeed. Up close and personal.

This one isn’t in Seattle, but it was too incredible not to share. Check out that… um… amazing table in the back-left. Yowza.
Let me know if you have an idea for the next “Real Actual Listing Photos” theme.