Sorry, no time for a substantive post today. Dealing with a leak a section of my home’s sewer line that runs right under the platform the previous home owner built to hold the water heater.
Thankfully, when water started pouring out of a failed joint last night, the LeakFrog I had placed in that area immediately brought the problem to our attention, allowing me to minimize the spread of water, and shut off the source.
Even better, the parts to fix the problem cost me less than $15 at Home Depot. Score.
Placing LeakFrogs around my house under sinks and next to the washer and water heater was one of the first things I did when I moved into my house. That is a decision I definitely do not regret. Whether you own your house or rent, it never hurts to have a few LeakFrogs around.
I got mine at Woot a few years ago, but you can pick them up on Amazon for relatively cheap without waiting for them to reappear on Woot.
[Update: LeakFrogs apparently aren’t being produced anymore, because price on Amazon at the links above is now a ridiculous $40. Try these instead: Zircon Leak Alert Electronic Water Detector – $33 for a three-pack.]