It’s time for another installment of Real Actual Listing Photos. Once a month (or so) I round up some of the most bizarre listing photos from around the Seattle area and post them here, with brief excerpts from the real actual listing description, and probably a bit of snarky commentary.
Don’t forget to check out Looney Listingthroughout the month for similar amusing listing photos from all around the country.
The idea for this series stems from the ongoing forum thread Detrimental Listing Photos, which is where you should post your nominations for next month’s Real Actual Listing Photos post.
No particular theme this month. Just enjoy a collection of odd listing photos submitted by readers and found by yours truly.
Enough explanation. Let’s get to the photos! Click the photo to view the Real Actual Listing.
And also just far enough away to make the listing agent run out of time to actually get out of his car to take any photos of the home. Spotted by Aaron W.
Neat! I’ve always wanted a glowing, radioactive dining room.
It’s hard to tell on the small photo, but there appears to be a power cord running from beneath the bed to under the mattress. Um. What. Also: nice hat.
The shot above is what the home looks like after you’ve eaten some famous “Silvana Meats” that have been sitting out way too long.
Guess who couldn’t figure out how to turn off the time/date stamp on their camera? No problem, just fix it in MS Paint!
Okay this one is a dupe from Looney Listing, but it was too good not to share here. Can’t say I’ve ever seen a dinner table staged with rubber chickens before.
Let me know if you have an idea for a future “Real Actual Listing Photos” theme, and be sure to check out Looney Listing for listing photo amusement throughout the month.