This poll was active 08.11.2013 through 08.17.2013
Author: The Tim
Reader Question: Thinking of Finally Buying
I received the following question this week from a reader whose situation is probably similar to many other readers of these pages: photo by The Tim I was a big follower of this site during 2006-2009 and felt pretty informed/unsurprised when the original bubble burst. I’ve been busy since then, got married, went through grad…
Eight Years
Wow you guys. I just realized that today is Seattle Bubble’s eighth anniversary. I launched this site on August 8th, 2005 with a simple goal: …to post news stories and generate discussion about the real estate/housing bubble and specifically how it affects the Seattle area. … To be honest, the main reason I’m starting this…
July Reporting Roundup: “Cyclone of Sales” Edition
It’s time once again for the monthly reporting roundup, where you can read my wry commentary about the news instead of subjecting yourself to boring rehashes of the NWMLS press release (or in addition to, if that’s what floats your boat). To kick things off, here’s an excerpt from the NWMLS press release: Home sales,…
NWMLS: Inventory Increases Again, Pending Sales Fall
July market stats were published by the NWMLS this morning. Here’s a snippet from their press release: Home sales, prices still rising in Western Washington despite lean inventory and increasing mortgage rates. Rising interest rates, rising prices and rising consumer confidence are creating a “positive cyclone of home sales activity,” according to members of the…