"Mastro mystery: Aging ex-magnate nears 1 year on the lam" http://t.co/HQknqpBC via @SeattleTimes # This sweet 780-acre island just north of Victoria w/ its own golf course could be yours for just $75M: http://t.co/EVTPcLYv via @PSBJ # Headline thief! :P http://t.co/yxlHhnG4 @calculatedrisk: Housing: Dude, Where's my inventory? http://t.co/crx7TW0w # "Developers team up on 23-story hotel…
Author: The Tim
Downtown Condos: Middle Class Need Not Apply
Here’s a detail in today’s Seattle Times article about Insignia—the first new construction condo project to break ground in five years—that caught my attention: While condo prices at Insignia haven’t been set, Bosa said, “they’ll be more than you can buy anything [downtown] for now.” More than anything that’s for sale right now? Yikes. One…
Weekend Open Thread (2012-06-08)
NOTE: If you are subscribed to Seattle Bubble’s RSS feed and are seeing these open threads in the feed, please switch to our official feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/SeattleBubble Thanks! Here is your open thread for the weekend beginning Friday June 8th, 2012. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an…
Cheapest Homes: June 2012 Edition
Let’s check in again on the cheapest homes around Seattle proper. Here’s our methodology: I search the listings for the cheapest homes currently on the market, excluding short sales, in the city of Seattle proper. Any properties that are in obvious states of extreme disrepair based on listing photos and descriptions will be excluded. This…
May Stats Preview: Not Really a Preview Edition
Granted, I missed the pre-NWMLS stats window, but I’d still like to post the stats preview charts for May. Most of the charts below are based on broad county-wide data that is available through a simple search of King County and Snohomish County public records. If you have additional stats you’d like to see in…