RT @geekwire: Shares of Zillow tumble after co-founders unload stock http://t.co/HqtypPdD # RT @geekwire: Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman: Rebate cuts do not signal imminent IPO filing http://t.co/RbdIQSC6 # Big buy by Amazon downtown: "Amazon to buy Denny Triangle property; plans 3 big office towers" http://t.co/1gmCiryP via @SeattleTimes # Speaking of downtown commercial real estate, anybody…
Author: The Tim
The Sordid Price History of a Local Mega-Flop
Behold the sordid tale of a home I’ve been keeping my eye on for quite a while. It’s a spec-built home in Woodinville (just a 37-minute + $3.50 toll drive to downtown Seattle)—7,216 square feet on 14 acres. This one’s got the Avondale Albatross beat by a longshot, both in the sheer audacity of the…
Weekend Open Thread (2012-03-02)
Here is your open thread for the weekend beginning Friday March 2nd, 2012. You may post random links and off-topic discussions here. Also, if you have an idea or a topic you’d like to see covered in an article, please make it known. Be sure to also check out the forums, and get your word…
February Stats Preview: Surprise Sales Spike Edition?
With another leap day behind us, it’s time to take an early look at February’s stats. Most of the charts below are based on broad county-wide data that is available through a simple search of King County and Snohomish County public records. If you have additional stats you’d like to see in the preview, drop…
Case-Shiller Tiers: All Three Tiers Fell Again in December
Let’s check out the three price tiers for the Seattle area, as measured by Case-Shiller. Remember, Case-Shiller’s “Seattle” data is based on single-family home repeat sales in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties. Note that the tiers are determined by sale volume. In other words, 1/3 of all sales fall into each tier. For more details…